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22 April 2010

Google No Longer Planning Updates for Nexus One Reception Issues

Google’s Nexus One, while successful enough to become a profit source for the company has been plagued with reception issues since the launch of the device.

Google has previously pushed out firmware updates designed to address long standing reception issues blamed on T-Mobile’s 3G coverage and software, but the latest statement from the company implicitly confirms what many have suspected: The reception issues are a result of the radio hardware built into the device and no amount of firmware updates will fix an inherent hardware issue. The statement follows below.

“Hey guys,

I’ve seen some recent speculation on this thread about an OTA to improve 3G connectivity and I want to give you an update on the situation. While we are continuing to monitor user feedback regarding the 3G performance on the Nexus One, we are no longer investigating further engineering improvements at this time. If you are still experiencing 3G issues, we recommend that you try changing your location or even the orientation of your phone, as this may help in areas with weaker coverage.”
