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25 April 2010

Microsoft Office 2010 arrives soon

Chances are, you're still using Office 2003 or earlier, but get ready for the next gen: Microsoft Office 2010 is coming, and sooner than you might think.

ZDNet reported that the software was released to manufacturing last week (RTM, in computer-speak), which means that it's now being frantically pressed to discs in Chinese sweatshops so that it can be on Best Buy and Office Depot shelves by summer. [Update: This post originally said it'd be on shelves by Memorial Day, and the headline said "Microsoft Office 2010 arrives May 12." May 12 is the business launch; consumers will be able to buy it in June, Microsoft Office's PR team says.]

What's the horoscope for Office 2010? (A Taurus, by the way.) Will it be a hit? Continue: